Zell and the Golden Thread

Zell and the Golden Thread

Image Credit from Amazon Tooltip TextCould you ever believe such a drab building would hold a terrible secret? Zell couldn’t when he stepped out of his small council flat that afternoon. Manoeuvring Baby La’s pushchair through the narrow fire door into the main hall...

Under a Cerulean Sky

Under a Cerulean Sky Your waxy face floats. It’s a waning moon under a cerulean Californian sky. A headscarf the same hue, tied tight, envelops your hairless skull, stripped by cancer. Blues blend as if you are already in heaven. You want to be alive, bright but a...


I nestled in your petticoat folds snug amidst the silken underskirts where all your wealth was sewn. I lay beside a bird brooch, an emerald peacock whose inset diamond eyes lie lifeless against lacklustre sapphire cheeks. No plush velvet to cushion us but worn silk...

When She Breathes

The house heaves an audible sigh after their departure. Floorboards creak and groan under my weight as I close the front door, momentarily blinded by the evening sun catching the glass panes. They reflect a reassuring smile at my relief as I go to the front room, bare...


Five narrow openings Farzhana had carefully left when pulling the blue threads apart to make the embroidered mesh on her burkha. They are part of a glistening white, criss-crossed pattern of tiny apertures, better to shield her from the outside world. Or so she had...